Directory of New Zealand
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Welcome to our New Zealand Directory service. This directory is derived from the New Zealand component of the DMOZ directory. The DMOZ Directory project was the largest human edited directory on the planet. The DMOZ directory
project is not currently being actively maintained however there is an active archive site. Even though the sites listed in the directory are not being updated, I still believe the archive has utility
and many of the listed sites are still active on the net. I believe it is unfortunate that they stopped actively maintaining the project as I think it was an excellent world wide directory of websites.
Top : Marlborough District
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Marlborough 4 Fun - Organisation providing and supporting public events and festivals for the community. Presents profile, events and activities information, events calendar, and contact details.
(Added: 16-Aug-2012 Hits: )
Marlborough Wine Research Centre - Facility owned by the Marlborough Research Centre Trust to ensure the region makes best use of its resources. Presents profile, history, research, weather and regional information, and contact details.
(Added: 16-Aug-2012 Hits: )
Save the Wairau - Environmental protection group campaigning to protect the Wairau River. Presents profile, environment information, images, and contact details.
(Added: 16-Aug-2012 Hits: )
Te Rapuora O Te Waiharakeke - Provides numerous Maori community health services including addiction intervention, and physical, psychiatric, intellectual, sensory and age related disability treatment and rehabilitation. Presents profile, history, services information, and contact details.
(Added: 16-Aug-2012 Hits: )
The Treasured Pathway - Highway that links heritage sites along 680km of roads from Picton to Farewell Spit. Presents profile, regional and guide book information, images, maps, and contact details.
(Added: 16-Aug-2012 Hits: )
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