Directory of New Zealand
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Welcome to our New Zealand Directory service. This directory is derived from the New Zealand component of the DMOZ directory. The DMOZ Directory project was the largest human edited directory on the planet. The DMOZ directory
project is not currently being actively maintained however there is an active archive site. Even though the sites listed in the directory are not being updated, I still believe the archive has utility
and many of the listed sites are still active on the net. I believe it is unfortunate that they stopped actively maintaining the project as I think it was an excellent world wide directory of websites.
Top : Canterbury : Christchurch : Business and Economy
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Adapt to Experience - Learning in a knowledge society, understanding the internet, innovation, personal development through journal writing, record keeping and seeking personal understanding.
(Added: 16-Aug-2012 Hits: )
Alice in Videoland - A selection of foreign, classic, cult and festival films on video and DVD. Membership login required to access all features.
(Added: 16-Aug-2012 Hits: )
Baby On The Move Ltd - The hire and sale of quality baby products at affordable rates.
(Added: 16-Aug-2012 Hits: )
Bell Lamb and Trotter - These funeral directors describe their services with price guide and information about prepayment.
(Added: 16-Aug-2012 Hits: )
Canterbury Development Corporation - Promotes and facilitates economic growth in employment in the region. Information on strategies, investing, business services, employment, learning and media centre.
(Added: 16-Aug-2012 Hits: )
Canterbury Voice Release - A voice release system that works for clay target Trap/DTL, Skeet an ZZ/Helice shooters. Information about CVR, features and benefits, product list, FAQ, contacts, news and links.
(Added: 16-Aug-2012 Hits: )
Centre For Advanced Engineering - Information and on-line ordering of publications covering a range of engineering and technology.
(Added: 16-Aug-2012 Hits: )
Christchurch Exchange - Local free classifieds advertisements for property, automotive, jobs, business, computing, leisure, family, personals and holidays.
(Added: 16-Aug-2012 Hits: )
Custom Canvas - Offers to print photos onto canvas. Profile, capabilities and services with prices.
(Added: 16-Aug-2012 Hits: )
DO IT4U Ltd, - Personal time provider, concierge, and reminder service. Offers personal errands, care of pets, organising events, supervising trades people, and rest home visits.
(Added: 16-Aug-2012 Hits: )
Eastern Drycleaners - Services range from corporate shirt cleaning to the drycleaning of wedding dresses and leather clothing.
(Added: 16-Aug-2012 Hits: )
Eyris Blue Pearls - Site contains information on the blue pearl, blue pearl centre, latest news, accredited retailers, jewellery trade and contacts, plus gallery.
(Added: 16-Aug-2012 Hits: )
Manaaki Whenua Press - Produces and distributes New Zealand natural history and science publications including the standard reference works on flora and fauna in New Zealand. Takes its name from the M�ori for Landcare Research, Manaaki Whenua.
(Added: 16-Aug-2012 Hits: )
NZAudio - Supplier of audio equipment and components. Site features audio news, and information products, awards and manufacturers.
(Added: 16-Aug-2012 Hits: )
Palaecol Research Ltd - Studies current and past New Zealand wildlife and applies its conclusions to the restoration of ecosystems and biodiversity. Also operates in Norfolk Island. Profile, projects and publications.
(Added: 16-Aug-2012 Hits: )
Skybright - Natural health product manufacturer using colloidal silver liquids and creams.
(Added: 16-Aug-2012 Hits: )
Smiths Auctions - Licensed New Zealand auctioneers. Site features auction calendar, mailing list and information about auction services.
(Added: 16-Aug-2012 Hits: )
Superseeders - Describes its hydroseeding and lawn maintenance services with gallery.
(Added: 16-Aug-2012 Hits: )
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